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  • All calls, names of people spoken to, times and dates

  • Include details if the incident was raised internally

  • Describe accurately what the incident is, or thought to be, & the potential consequences

  • List of products / materials / raw materials / issues involved ‐ Identify quantities (weight, cases, bags, pallets etc.), batch numbers or pallet numbers

  • Dates (or times) of process/delivery/arrival/order/pack/despatch plus :

the Best Before/Use By dates. Identify other products that could be implicated

  • Relevant contact details for the implicated parties (e.g. customers, suppliers, hauliers, Local Authority laboratory, FSA, EHO, Insurance Company or Police)

  • All those individuals/agencies notified of the incident


Please confirm:
Risk Stratification
Agreed Timeframe to Respond

Confirm a timescale within which to tell Customer(s)/Agencies or both. With the above information, discuss with another member of the team whether the whole team is required to gather/discuss an Action Plan. Draw up the initial Action Plan and a ‘first response’ to the parties involved.

  • Agree an initial Action Plan, with responsibilities and timescales

  • Draft and agree response to customer(s) and/or other involved parties

  • Identify who should be contacted and what type of communication should be sent

  • Agree who will be the Company’s spokesperson and who will be the government contact point (e.g. when liaising with Local Authority & Food Standards Agency)

  • If media are involved, or are likely to be, agree on a Company spokesperson and formulate a verbal and a written statement.


Please confirm the followin have been informed within 72 Hours

A food business is required by law to withdraw food from the market if their products are not safe. Notify the Local Authority, under which the food business is registered. Incidents can also be reported to Food Standards Agency. Before deciding what action to take and who to notify – answer as many of the following questions in your team:


  • Ask the questions below & decide: Does the incident require a recall or withdrawal? If in doubt seek advice from other parties such as the Food Standards Agency


  • Does the incident pose a risk to product safety?

  • Does the incident pose a risk to legality?

  • Does the incident pose a significant risk to quality?

  • Has the product been dispatched?

  • Where raw materials are implicated, did the batch/batches go into any other products (for any customer) or other outlets or into another product run with different ‘Use By’/’best Before’ dates.

  • Are the batch/batches implicated in chilled/frozen or dry storage products? Where are they?

If a recall is required: ‐ The Local Authority/Food Standards Agency may direct you to their online reporting procedure and there is guidance on how to do this on the FSA website:

Send an email and phone the agreed Government contact (include this contact’s name & email address in the procedure) and include:

  • Description of problem

  • Full product description and sizes affected

  • Product identity code / Specification number

  • Country and factory of origin

  • UK importer if applicable/Foreign distributor if exported

  • ‘Best Before’ or ‘Use By’ dates and any additional batch codes

  • Depots/outlet/shops/customers implicated

Send an email and phone the potentially affected customers and supply chain contacts and explain what to do (include your Company contact names & addresses in your communication/procedure or a link to where this detail is stored):

  • Product names, pack sizes and quantities involved

  • How to identify them (e.g. ‘Use By’ date, pallet no, batch no, delivery date etc.)

  • What they are to do with the items.

  • Ask them to confirm receipt of your notification; check that you have all these receipts.

  • Agree who in the team will be the contact point/spokesperson for making   a Statement to Police, Insurance, Customers, Local Authority, FSA

  • If media announcements/press statements have/are to be made – send a copy to Local Authority or Food Standards Agency contact plus all implicated customer(s) if appropriate. Keep copies of each one sent out, how and to whom.


Please confirm the followin have been informed within 72 Hours

Investigate the incident using your Corrective Action procedure.

  • Review findings and outcome

  • Eliminate/Minimise the risk of a similar incident occurring in the future

  • Determine when it is safe to start processing again.

    1. Replace products that have been withdrawn or recalled.

    2. Isolate products that were Withdrawn or Recalled and decide how to treat them (disposal, destruction etc.)

    3. Organise safe, secure and legitimate disposal (check with insurers/loss adjusters if claims are imminent). This could involve the documented removal of customer packaging

    4. If necessary, organise an alternative supply chain for customers.

    5. If necessary, notify relevant parties of approximate period of incapacity of business and/or plant.

    6. Agree any changes to staff duties or re‐deployment or ‘lay‐offs’.



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