Site Layout and Working Methods
It is a mandatory requirement all entrants to the Food Production Unit understand and abide by all of FERA LTD Policies & Procedures.
Document Reference Number | 4.3 |
Document Sub-Sections |
Issue Number | 1.0 |
Issue Date: | 05/01/2024 |
Last Reviewed Date | 05/01/2024 |
Reviewed by | Board of Directors |
Next Review Date | Annualised 05/01/2025 (Earlier if any significant changes made or required). |
Responsible Officer(s) | Board of Directors |
Distribution |
Storage | Stored on the intranet. |
Document Control | Uncontrolled Copy Unless Printed on Yellow Signed Paper or accessed on intranet. |
Amendments with date of amendment. | Nil |
Document Notes | Nil |
Intranet Link | |
Authorised by | Adeel Iqbal |
Site Plans show how layout and methods of working minimise the potential for unintended physical, chemical, microbiological or allergen contamination of product and packaging at all process steps.
We operate from a modern built business premises with exceptional facilities maintained by a premium league asset management service with and largescale commercial businesses including food businesses in the vicinity. The unit is of a very high standard and meets pre-requisite requirements for our production.
The unit is a single storey industrial building with external loading areas and car parking. The unit has elevations of colour coated profiled and flat metal cladding under a pitched metal roof.
The steel frame is a portal frame with a 5,000mm minimum clear height to underside of haunch. The steel frame is designed to support the external envelope, and roof. The frame is fire protected in accordance with the Building Regulations. Steel columns on boundary and party wall conditions up to haunch have a 1-hour fire protection.
The roof assembly consists of a built up roofing system. The roof is min. 6 degree pitch and incorporates triple-skin site assembled rooflights to a total of 15% of the ground floor area and incorporate white internal flashings around the perimeter. The roof design allows for additional service loads on frame and purlins to cater for roof mounted photovoltaic panels and suspended ceilings.
Entrance doors are factory coated galvanised wooden doors in coated paint frames.
Door closers, internal and external lever handles, mortice lock with euro profile cylinder.
A loading door is provided as follows: 1 no. level access door 3.0m high x 2.4m wide (clear opening dimensions).
The incoming water main feeds and internal water services run in copper pipework and serves all internal cold water draw off points in the WC and kitchen areas.
The above ground drainage from toilets comprises uPVC soil and ventilating stacks or AAV with uPVC waste from sinks and basins as appropriate and incorporating all necessary rodding points and access points.
Building services systems have been designed, supplied and installed to comply fully with, but not limited to the requirements of the following documents and standards:
A fire alarm system is provided in accordance with BS 5839 and the requirements of Building Regulations. The system within the unit forms part of a site wide fire alarm system linked to the marketing suite incorporating break glass manual contacts adjacent to the entrance.
A fire panel is mounted adjacent to the entrance/loading door.
The entrance, car parking and loading areas and vehicle circulation routes are illuminated by an external flood lighting scheme comprising of floodlights mounted on columns and on the buildings to provide the lighting levels noted below:
The production facility and business park has implemented all measures and advice as currently applied by local authorities as well as central government. Along with this The Date Company London has employed medical professionals to advice and oversee our company during the pandemic.
Site Plan: The layout, flow of processes and movement of personnel minimises the risk of cross- contamination and ensure effective segregation between products and ingredients where required. | |
Site Plan: Allergen Storage Areas are segregated from Rest of Ingredients and are kept on the lower aspects of storage areas to reduced risk of allergens spillage and cross contamination | |
Site Plan: Food Production Areas. These are separated from external areas, toilets, office space and goods in areas. | |
Site Plan: Equipment planned in an easy to access and sequential manner | |
Site Plan: Location of key equipment, items, pest control measures, waste management systems to mitigate risk of unintended physical, microbiological and allergen contamination. | |
Site Plan: Environmental sampling occurs at food contact and food non-contact areas | |
Site Plan: The layout, flow of processes and movement of personnel minimises the risk of cross- contamination and ensure effective segregation between products and ingredients where required. | Wooden Pallets Permitted Area |
Site Plan: Water and Sewerage Plans | |
Site Plan: Cleaning chemicals are kept in a segregated storage area within which there is a lockable chemicals cabinet. | |
Site Plan: PPE is kept onsite and accessible in all key areas | |
Site Plan: Shows area two handwash sinks, one utensil and tray wash sink and one WC sink |